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Message from the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences

Dear EAS Fellows and Associate Fellows, We are deeply saddened to hear the news that Prof. Getatchew Haile, Associate Fellow of the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences, has passed away. Prof. Getatchew Haile was a Professor of Semitic Philology at St. John's University, Minnesota, USA. He had over 150 publications, including six highly valued catalogs of filmed Ethiopian manuscripts to which he dedicated years of studious work. Prof. Getatchew was a Corresponding Fellow of the British Academy. He was the recipient of MacArthur Prize Fellow (1988-1993) and the Edward Ullendorff Medal from the Council of the British Academy. He was the Associate Editor of various journals and series, including Acta Aethiopica. He was teaching Geez, Amharic Language and Literature at Haile Sellassie I University, where he also served as Chair of the Department of Ethiopian Languages and Literature. He is the father of Prof. Sossina Haile, an Associate Fellow of the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences. The Ethiopia Academy of Sciences extends its most sincere condolences to the family and friends of Prof. Getachew. =======================================================

Teketel Yohannes (Prof.)Executive Director Professor of Physical Chemistry Ethiopian Academy of Sciences P. O. Box 32228 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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This website was created in loving memory of Getatchew Haile - beloved husband, father, Ababa, brother, uncle, friend, colleague, mentor, our Wondim Tila, ye Shenkora Jegna.

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